
At Morley Victoria we pride ourselves in always looking smart and taking pride in our appearance, both in and out of school.  We know that looking smart gives visitors into school a good first impression.  For our older children we make sure that they understand the importance of uniform and following the rules ready for their next stage of their education where there are many more uniform rules to follow.

We would like to stress that jewellery and nail polish are not part of the school uniform and request that this is kept for weekends and holidays.

A small analogue or digital watch is not only permitted but encouraged.

We would also like to remind our parents / carers that the children not only need the correct school uniform but also PE kit. This consists of white or blue shorts with a white t-shirt for indoor PE. For outdoor lessons we ask that children have a dark coloured (preferably navy blue) tracksuit with a white t-shirt underneath. They will also need trainers or pumps. We encourage all of our children to be independent and would request that if your child is unable to do shoe laces, you opt for a velcro option.

We respectfully ask that fashion items are kept for the weekends or sports the children do outside of school, please.

We work hard to make sure the uniform policy is adhered to.  This has been discussed whttps://leedsuniformexchange.org.uk/ith the school council, has been ratified by the Governors and is reviewed regularly.  Please see our school policies page for the current school uniform policy.

School Uniform can be ordered online from the Price and Buckland Website - https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/morleyvictoria. Once you have accessed the home page, please click on REGISTER NOW to enter your details.

School uniform can also be purchased directly from The Uniform Centre. 114-116 Queen Street, Morley. Leeds. Tel: -0113 2521463 - https://theuniformcentre.com/morley-victoria-primary

  and https://www.sptuniforms.co.uk/product-category/morley-victoria-primary-school/

There are many places across the city to donate and receive second hand uniform - this not only ensures we are recycling but it also saves families money!  If you would like support with providing your child/children with school uniform please contact the school.

