Half Termly Overviews
"I have really enjoyed writing the Half Termly Overview for families. I like the fact that everyone knows what is being taught and what the children are learning about in school." - MV Staff
"The Overviews really help in sharing what we are doing in school with families at home." - MV Staff
"I love the Overview - it really helps me to have a good discussion with my child at home around what they are learning in school." - MV Parent
"The Overview has really helped with ideas about new books to buy for home." - MV Parent
Each half term, every year group from Year 1 to Year 6 produce an Overview for families explaining what the children will be learning about in the coming half term. This is sent to families via email. The overview gives information about the key curriculum focus areas, the key texts the children will be reading and some of the exciting activities that the children will be taking part in. They also offer some key reminders about expectations in terms of reading, book changing and PE Days. You can find the overviews for each year group below,