Diversity Developers

''Respect is taking other people’s feeling into account and knowing what is right and wrong. It is also about being tolerant of other people’s opinions.'' Rhyia UKS2 

"Diversity means that it’s great to be different." Polly KS1 

"Diversity means we are different and be proud of who you are." Jake UKS2 

"At our school I think we respect and let people follow their own culture and we care about diversity." Ava LKS2 

"I think it is really good that our school teaches us about different cultures, diversity and respect. So we can understand differences in our school and our planet." Emily UKS2 

"I think everyone is very different. Everyone respects everyone else. It is a very diverse school and all of us have different cultural beliefs." Bradley UKS2 

''Respect means you appreciate others no matter how different they are. Be kind to others and don’t disrespect them.'' Esme UKS2 


In Key Stage 2 we have our Diversity Developers club, run by Mrs Smith and Mr Shabbir. 


"We help our school to be more diverse and become even better for everyone."  Diversity Developer

"We help people see difference and I know about lots of different people."  Diversity Developer

"We learn about new things."  Diversity Developer

"I feel I can make a change."  Diversity Developer

"I like taking other peoples ideas to our group to make changes."  Diversity Developer

       At Morley Victoria Primary School we are committed to ensuring that our children are proud of who they are, that they are represented        in school and that they respect the diversity of those around them. Supporting staff in this mission are our Diversity Developers.

Morley Victoria's Diversity Developers are children who have put themselves forward to promote diversity, in and around school. The children have been voted to take part by their peers. This group also supports our work in achieving the Cultural Cohesion Quality Mark, which promotes harmonious relationships for all.

Our Diversity Developers are committed to creating and maintaining an environment where everyone is shown respect and treated equally. Having the Diversity Developers enables pupils in class, to feedback their own thoughts and ideas which can then be shared across the whole school community.

     The role of our Diversity Developers include:
  • Sharing their knowledge around diversity in class
  • Meeting regularly to plan events and feedback discussions in class
  • Leading assemblies around diversity
  • Writing a Top Tips Guide
  • Wearing lanyards in school so children can find them when they need them
  • Planning whole school activities to promote diversity
  • Working with other schools to promote diversity
  • Plan to work with communities from Morley and the wider area