Meet the Teacher Meetings
It is extremely important for us to work together to ensure that every child makes as much progress as possible each year. To help parents / carers to learn about new routines and activities when the children move year groups, we hold ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings during the school day early in the new academic year. It is chance, as a parent / carer, to sit in your child’s seat and experience what it is like to be a child in their new class.
At these events, parents and carers will find out about the classroom, the adults working alongside their child, any changes they need to be aware of and most importantly how you can help your child at home. It is also an opportunity to find out about all of the exciting events topics and activities the teachers have planned. Of course the teachers will also answer any questions and try to eliminate and worries or concerns you may have.
We recognise that many of our parents / carers are working full time and may not be able to make the meeting so we will find a mutually convenient time to chat to you about your child’s new school year.
You will find links to each Meet the Teacher hand out below. We hope you will enjoy them and find them very informative.